My Coach Geneva

"Discover the excellence of sports coaching and mentoring with Romain Collin, passionate educator.
Turn your goals into reality, whether it's at home, outdoors, or remotely."

My name is ROMAIN COLLIN, and I am a coach and sports educator, holding the State diplomas BEES and DEJEPS.
Originally from France and passionate about martial arts, I reaped the rewards of my dedication at the European Hapkido Championship,
receiving an award from a distinguished coach of the Korean GIGN.
This experience engraved an essential lesson in me: with hard work, everything is achievable.

Responsibilities followed, marked by privileged moments with eminent figures in the global Hapkido community.
As the head of the Deahan-minguk Hapkido Federation for France, I was the guest of honor at the European Hapkido Championship in Budapest in 2013.
My journey has included teaching various disciplines to hundreds of adults and children.

In Montreux, for example, I coached individuals in high-ranking positions in global companies (among others). These experiences strengthened my belief in fair, experienced, and charismatic leadership.

A strong conviction emerges from my experience:
Everything is achievable, but not with just anyone.
A good teacher is willing to question themselves.
Because, as my late mentor said:
"There are no bad students, only bad teachers."

Beyond these stages, my mission is to accompany each individual in the development of their full potential.
Whether through personalized sports sessions (Fitness, weight training, gentle exercise, stretching, meditative walking, martial arts,) or mentoring services.
My goal is to guide each person towards the realization of their aspirations.
Sessions are possible at home, outdoors, remotely...

